Development & Professional Services

Deploy outbound-enabled Amazon Connect faster, and with less risk

API icon.

Development and Deployment

We’ll help you build the perfect outbound-enabled Amazon Connect solution for your team


Build a quick proof of concept to test the viability of your outbound Amazon Connect solution.

We’ll work to understand your needs, and the goals of your contact centre team. We’ll then build a quick test system, which can be used as a basic prototype.

You can use this proof of concept to visualize the solution, perform user tests, and gather feedback from key stakeholders.

COST: up to $10,000

Custom UI & CallGuides

Data orchestration


If you’re ready to build, we can create your Amazon Connect solution from the ground up.

We’ll work closely with your key stakeholders, using insights from previous proof of concepts (if available) to help build the best solution for your team.

Once the Quickstart is built, you’ll have an outbound-ready Amazon Connect solution, ready for you to begin onboarding your calling team.

COST: contact us to discuss your requirements.

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Consulting Services

If you’re looking for guidance on building an outbound-enabled Amazon Connect solution, we can help out.

Solution Consulting

As a new Amazon Connect customer, you may be looking to connect your solution to other applications, potentially using AWS Lambda. You may also want to create a custom CRM integration, or use 4connect dialing APIs with an existing Amazon Connect interface.

We can help advise on how best to design your solution with Amazon Connect and 4connect functionality, given your business objectives and the other systems and solutions your organization utilizes.

Contact Strategy Consulting

4connect offers you the ability to design intelligent contact strategies, helping you reach the right customer at the right moment.

Our team can help you optimize your contact strategies, allowing you to maximize contact and conversion rates and the value of positive results.

No matter how simple or sophisticated your contact strategies, we can help you get the best return on investment from every second you spend outbound dialing.

Connect better with your customers
